Pastor’s Corner
Reverend Paul Nesbit is our settled minister. He also serves the Southwick Congregational Church as a shared pastor. Dividing his time between two churches is a challenge that Rev. Nesbit enjoys.
Rev. Nesbit comes to Westfield after serving as Assistant Pastor at the Wilbraham United Church for seven years. He taught in area schools before teaching in the East Longmeadow School system from which he recently retired. Rev. Nesbit is a graduate of Westfield State College and received his Masters’ degree in Pastoral Studies from Washington Theological Union. Before being ordained, he was a member at the Wilbraham church where he sang in the choir, rang hand bells, served as a liturgist, deacon and Director of Family Ministries and Faith Formation.
As the Westfield and Southwick Congregational churches continue under the guidance of Rev. Nesbit, we are excited to his commitment honoring the rich history of our respective churches. The Westfield church was established in 1679 and the Southwick church in 1773. He looks forward to finding ways to draw in new people by making the church a vital presence in our respective communities.
Church services at the First Congregational Church at 18 Broad Street, Westfield are currently held at 9:30 a.m. and the First Congregational Church.
For more information or an appointment with Rev. Nesbit, please call the First Congregational Church of Westfield at 568-2833.
We are thrilled to have Reverend Paul among us.