Our Kids Love Coming to Church School!
Our upcoming semester is still being planned, but it should be a fun and exciting time for our church children.
- Sunday School will begin on September 22. There will be a Fall, Winter and Spring sections with separate elementary & middle/high school classes. It is a “One Room School House” series, i.e., no grades.
- We are currently looking at Vacation Bible Schools, visits to Noble View Outdoor Center, and a Halloween Party.
- Our minister, Reverend Paul Nesbit will be organizing a Confirmation Class for High School aged students.
- In addition to the traditional lessons in ethics and morals, our children will organize and assist drives throughout the year.

We are very fortunate to have Amy Platt as director of our Faith Formation & Family Ministries.
Amy is a lifelong resident of Western MA. She graduated from Cathedral High School, Westfield State (B.A. Mass Communications) and Cambridge College (M.Ed. Special Education).
Amy started her career working in television at 22News & ESPN before returning to the classroom. She has now worked in Special Education for almost 25 years.
Fun facts: She is fluent in American Sign Language, is a HUGE Disney fan, and earned a black belt in Tae Kwon Do when she was 40 years old!!
Amy is honored to be part of the Westfield FCC community and truly appreciates how everyone has embraced her and her family.